

I’m currently building a new website which will have pages covering all current/previous music projects, a full discography, as well as a place to share my art outside of just social media. I’ll continue to add content and improve the functionality as I go.


Last year I started sharing timelapse videos of my InkTober drawings which I added original music soundtracks. I have quite a few videos ready to edit and add music that I’m currently working on.


In addition to soundtracks to the InkTober timelapse drawings, I’m still writing/jamming with Cheat Day (formerly named Barfly) roughly once a week. Currently working on a new music to record and perform as well as finishing up some unfinished tracks we recorded years ago.

I’ve been trying to spend more time with my guitars (and bass), working on improving my understanding of chords/scales. I’ve been creating useful charts to aid in my improvisation and writing.

What I’m Reading:

*What is a "/now" page?

A now page is a page where you share what you are focused on, and what your up to at the moment. I've followed the lead of Derek Sivers by adding this page to my site. Learn more at https://nownownow.com/about.